Visions, Missions & Objectives
हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम्।
पूषन् तत्त्वमपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये।।
(The entrance to truth is concealed by the brilliant disc. O Pushan , remove that (disc) to me whose duty is truth, to
behold). The Department of Sanskrit plans to categories the objectives into four parts, viz. Academic Objectives, Infrastructure Development Objectives,
community Service Objectives & Other Objectives.
Academic Objectives
- The Department of Sanskrit aims to be one of the best departments of Sanskrit in India
- Opening of Regular M.A for providing students higher education.
- Imparting education in Sanskrit medium will be a unique speciality of the department of Sanskrit.
- Over the next few years, the department plans to start many new initiatives, activities and programmes for the benefit of the students and
development of the department.
- To relate learning with the highest human values & to empower learners in achieving their professional goals.
- To propagate Sanskrit to all students which would help them to read, write and speak in Sanskrit.
Introducing Service Courses
- Sanskrit has an interdisciplinary relevance. Keeping in view the interdisciplinary relevance of Sanskrit, the Department of Sanskrit intends to start
certificate courses.( Name / Topic of Course- A. Sanskrit Communication. B. Sanskrit Epigraphy C. Navyanaya D. Sanskrit Arthashatra ,Poetics Natyashastra
& Ayurveda.
- Opening a centre in the department for Sastriya teaching during Summer Vacation and Puja Vacation.
- Teaching Spoken Sanskrit to students throughout both online and offline medium.
Organizing National / International workshops / Seminars / Conferences
- Organising International and National Workshop, Seminar, Conference, Symposium etc every year.
- Organising special lectures by various eminent scholars from India and abroad.
Sanskrit Literary Association Activities
- The Sanskrit Literary Association has been formed to organize literary events for students.
- Various Eminent scholars from other Colleges & Universities interact with students on various areas of knowledge in Sanskrit.
- Every year the Sanskrit Day / Sanskrit week is celebrated in the department by undertaking various activities.
- The department will also arrange a counselling session to apprise student of job opportunities in Sanskrit.
Research Objectives
- There are many ancient Sanskrit manuscripts in Nadia district. So “Sanskrit Manuscript Resource Centre” will be opened for the collection of those
ancient Sanskrit manuscripts.
- To provide software’s related to language to students & faculty.
- Publishing unpublished book and manuscript.
- To take up major and minor research projects in Sanskrit.
- Opening Sanskrit Language Lab.
- Publishing Research Journals.
Infrastructure Development
- The faculty intends to apply for minor / major research projects, which will help in generating financial resources for creating infrastructure
like books, computers, printers, cameras etc.
- Construction work for a new building for Sanskrit Department with various facilities is in progress.
- The department intends to set up a departmental library and well equipped language lab (with audio visual aids, computer, DVD’S, CD’S) in the new building.
- To make optimum use of computers in teaching & research process.
- To provide internet Facilities to students and faculty of the department to keep them abreast of latest developments in research in Sanskrit language & literature
Community Services Objectives
- Organizing poster exhibition on Science & Technology in Sanskrit literature & interdisciplinary relevance of Sanskrit. Organizing visits to schools
/ colleges in small towns to make people aware about Sanskrit.
- To establish Parents Teacher Association.
Other Objectives
- Increasing exposure to students through student exchange programme with other Colleges & Universities.
- To develop stronger alumni association to cultivate the source of funding to the department.
- Counselling students for NET / SET / SSC / WBCSC etc.
- To establish stronger community linkage through process of interaction with the society at large.
***Knowledge protects culture forever, cultured people share abundantly.***
Department of Sanskrit, Srikrishna College,
Bagula, Nadia, Westbengal, India