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Department of Sanskrit

' संस्कृतमेव हि भारतम्।' Sanskrit language and Sastra are the lives of our country India. In the study of Sanskrit language among the whole world, the contribution of Nadia district is immeasurable. Nabadip , located in Nadia, is the major centre for the study of ' Navyanayasastra' . By following the methods of learning Sanskrit, people of Bengal take pride of themselves in all over India. But due to the negligence of Sanskrit language by the people in 21st century, the study of Sanskrit language has decreased drastically; although Nadia district, the birthplace of Lord Sri Chaitanya, is still respectful to the study of this resourceful language. Read More »

हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम्।
पूषन् तत्त्वमपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये।।

(The entrance to truth is concealed by the brilliant disc. O Pushan , remove that (disc) to me whose duty is truth, to behold). The Department of Sanskrit plans to categories the objectives into four parts, viz. Academic Objectives, Infrastructure Development Objectives, community Service Objectives & Other Objectives. Read More »

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Sl.No. Date Title Download
124 Jun 2024A few words about the Sanskrit Department of Sri Krishna CollegeDownload
224 Jun 2024Invitation for Admission in Sanskrit Department of Srikrishna College-2024Download
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